Luttrell | Family Session at Westhaven in Franklin TN

june 14, 2017
One of our very first Sundays at Rolling Hills Community Church here in Franklin, Lindsey came up to me and said "you have a baby named Beckett?! We have a baby named Beckett!!!"  And thus we became friends.   But seriously, my husband and I clearly think that Beckett is a super cool name so we knew that the Luttrells had to be cool people if they would also named their son that ;) 

And they are cool people - in fact, they have both been small group leaders for the high school seniors this past year!  what fun leaders!!!  i would have loved to have them to look up to when i was in high school! 

I loved meeting up with their precious family on a very hot day for some family photos!  They're such pretty people - you wouldn't even know it was 90* out and 100% humidity (i made up that last part - but that's what my quickly-frizzing hair was telling me that it was ;) )  Beckett, who is 19-months-old, was exploring the whole place and was so fascinated by all his surroundings!  This age is so fun - everything they see is captivating and amazing!  Makes photographing them such a joy and an adventure - I love it!!!  
